en_GB pl_PL

Fibre optic one-directional data transmission

The emitting and receiving devices of APP D50 series provide complete solution designed for the transmission one-directional data channel suitable for RS-422 or V.11 signals. Data chanel is completely transparent and can be sent  via single-mode fiber.

The devices are designed to be used for one-way data transmission system, which does not require feedback data channel e.g. for control of pan, tilt, zoom of remote camera etc.p

APP D50 are offered as a stand-alone with the possibility to install on the DIN TS-35 rail and as a card mounted in 19” APP MidiRACK 10 rack.


Dane Techniczne

ilość kanałów: 1, jednokierunkowy, transparenty
interfejs elektryczny: V11, dwuprzewodowy
format danych: asynchroniczne, seryjne
prędkość transmisji: do 115kb/s

medium optyczne: światłowód jednomodowy 9/125um
długość fali: LD 1310 nm
typ złącza: FC
budżet optyczny typ.: 12dB (62,5/125 um)

zakres temperatury pracy: -30 do +60 C
zasilanie: 8-15 VDC
wymiary: 30 x 60 x 40 mm
obudowa: aluminium anodowane




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